Area Code 808
DSN 457
Command Element
Commanding Officer: 257-8877
Sergeant Major: 257-7706
Chief of Staff: 257-7706
Staff Secretary: 257-8877
Protocol Officer: 257-8863
Commanding Officer's Admin Chief: 257-7706
Officer of the Day: 257-7700
Facsimile: 257-1076
MCBH Special Staff
Staff Judge Advocate: 257-0074
General Counsel: 257-4667 or 808-477-5871
Deputy General Counsel: 257-4451
Base Career Planner: 257-8897
Legal Support Services
Legal Assistance: 257-6738
Defense: 257-2177
Military Justice: 257-6749/6750
Administrative Law: 257-6744/6743
VLC: 257-2274
Base Chaplain
Base Chaplain: 257-5138
Base Chaplain Sec: 257-3552
Human Resources Office
Human Resources Office: 257-0731 or 257-1336
Command Inspector General
Command Inspector General: (808) 496-7717
Deputy Inspector: (808) 496-7716
Inspector Chief: (808) 496-7714
Manpower, Personnel & Administration (MCBH S-1)
Director: 257-8814
Deputy Director: 257-8835
Senior Enlisted Advisor: 257-8822
Reserve Liaison Office: 257-8869
Manpower Operations Division: 257-8809/8808/8807
Manpower Chief: 257-8822/8886
Installation Voting Assistance Officer: 257-8866
MCBH Adjutant
Adjutant: 257-8866
Adjutant Admin Chief: 257-8812
Adjutant Admin Section: 257-8855/7712
Fax Machine: 257-3290
Military Post Office: 257-2008
IPAC Director 257-1471, 496-1471
IPAC Deputy Director 257-1466, 496-1466
IPAC Senior Enlisted Advisor 257-1469, 496-1469
Operations Support OIC 257-1466, 496-1466
Operations Support SNCOIC 496-2390
Command Support OIC 257-2375, 496-2375
Command Support SNCOIC 496-2425
- Command Support Clerk 496-1820
- Command Support Clerk 496-1806
- Command Support Clerk 496-2690
- Command Support Clerk 496-1816
- Legal 496-1324, 496-2414
- EPARs 496-2413, 496-1440, 496-2432
- Audits 496-4361, 496-3318, 496-2660, 496-2683, 496-2684
TAD/Deployments OIC 257-2375, 496-2375
TAD/Deployments SNCOIC 496-1836
- TAD/Deployments Clerk 496-1859
- TAD/Deployments Clerk 496-1826
- TAD/Deployments Clerk 496-2377
Outbound OIC 496-1866
Outbound Support SNCOIC 496-1865
- Outbound Separations 496-1440, 496-1470
- Outbound Separations 496-3197
- Outbound Separations 496-2376
- Outbound PCS 496-1787, 496-1467
- Outbound PCS 496-1789, 496-2893
- Outbound PCS 496-1582
- Outbound Clerk 496-2417
-Outbound Clerk 496-2384
-Outbound Clerk 496-8574
-Outbound Clerk 496-2197
Inbound OIC 257-1817, 496-1817
Inbound SNCOIC 496-2390
- Inbound Clerk 496-4136, 496-2405
- Inbound Clerk 496-2400, 496-8566
- Inbound Clerk 496-2391, 496-1864
- Inbound Clerk 496-2197, 496-2408
- TLA 496-2411, 496-2395, 496-1837
Human Resources Office
Human Resources Office: 257-0415
Operations and Training (MCBH S-3)
Director: 496-8883
Deputy Director: 896-8853
Range/Training Area Manager: 496-8884
Operations Chief: 496-8890
Command Watch Officer: 330-9636
Command Watch Officer (Cell): 330-9636
Combat Simulation & Devices: 257-1110
Range & Training Area Scheduler: 496-8816
K-Bay Rifle Range: 257-3180
Puuloa Rifle Range: 474-8057
Training and Education Command (TECOM)
Training Support Center (TSC)
Site Lead: 496-1765
Operations Officer: 496-1767
Installations & Logistics (MCBH S-4)
Director: 257-8821
Deputy Director: 257-7721
Operations Officer: 257-0483
Installation Coordinator: 257-8823
Facilities Department
Facilities Department: 257-2171
Facilities Service Desk: 257-2380
UPH Division / Five Palms Front Desk: 257-2908
Motor Transportation Dispatcher: 257-2303
Environmental Protection and Compliance Division: 257-6920
Regional Contracting Office
Regional Contracting Officer: 257-0094
Government Commercial Purchase Card Division: 257-3544
Family Housing Department
Family Housing Department: 257-2656
Supply Department
Supply Officer: 257-2404
Deputy Dir: 257-5863
Ammunition Supply Point Division
ASP OIC: 257-2996
Ordnance Division: 257-8400
Base Property Division
Base Property Officer: 257-2236
Supply Chief: 257-6724
Food Services Division
Food Service Officer: 257-1311
Food Service Chief: 257-1310
Food Service Office: 257-1070
Food Service Subsistence Accounting: 257-3509
Staff Services Division
Staff Services: 257-2917
Staff Services Division Budget & Planning Branch: 257-291 / 257-3563
Distribution Management
Front Office: 496-3566
DMO Officer/Chief: 496-1587; 496-5868
DMO Personal Property Section: 496-6714
DMO Passenger Section: 496-2917
Fuels Division: 257-3187
Plans (MCBH S-5)
Director: 257-8813
School Liaison: 257-8826/8897
Front Desk: 257-1365
OIC: 257-1364
Deputy OIC: 257-1397
SNCOIC: 257-8839
Community Relations
Noise Advisory (808) 257-8832
Community Relations (808) 257-8876
Communications & Information Systems (MCBH S-6)
Director: 257-5877
Communications Chief: 257-5888
Watch Officer: 257-3068
Installation Protection (MCBH S-7)
Director: 496-8845
Emergency Planner: 496-8819
Anti-Terrorism: 496-3023
CBRNE Protection Officer: 496-8820
Emergency Operations Center Coordinator: 496-8460
Exercise Planner: 496-3019
Base Safety
Director: 496-8900
Safety Specialists: 496-1830/1831
Facsimile: 257-1619
OIC: 257-2941
Water Front Operations Duty: 257-5851
Provost Marshal Office (Kaneohe Bay)
Command Element: 257-6976
Command Element Fax Machine: 257-2238
Operations: 257-6985
Services: 257-1057
DARE/ DEFY: 257-8557
Criminal Investigation Division: 257-1305/06
Desk Sergeant (Emergency): 257-7114/2123/2124
Dispatch (24 Hours): 257-2123/24
Pass and Registration - Front Gate: 257-2047
Pass and Registration - Bldg 1095: 257-0183
Lost and Found: 257-8559
Training: 257-4152
Provost Marshal Office (Camp H.M. Smith)
Camp Smith ACC/Desk Sergeant: 477-7114
Camp Smith OIC: 477-0122
Camp Smith Pass and Registration: 477-8735/8734
Camp Smith Physical Security: 477-1883
Director: 257-7724
Deputy Director: 257-7731
Budget Officer: 257-7748
Managerial Accounting
Managerial Accounting Supervisor: 257-7735
Payroll Supervisor: 257-7734
RE&A Officer: 257-7729
Support Agreements: 257-7726
Finance Officer: 257-7752
Finance Chief: 257-7751
Fiscal/Internal Controls SNCOIC: 257-8811
Fiscal/Internal Controls: 257-8810/8827
Military Pay SNCOIC: 257-7768
Military Pay NCO: 257-7766/7770
Pay Clerk: 257-7771
Travel SNCOIC: 257-7765
Travel NCO: 257-8500
Travel Clerk: 496-7761/7764/7770/7771
Separations: 257-7770
DTS/TAD: 257-8858/7722
Command Element
Commanding Officer: 257-5735
Executive Officer: 257-5736
Sergeant Major: 257-5737
SDO: 808-620-1568
S-1 Administration
Adjutant: 257-3007
Administration Chief: 257-3294
Administration Clerk: 257-5729
Legal Clerk: 257-5729
Records Manager: 257-5734
Mail/File Clerk: 257-5734
S-3 Training
Operations Officer: 257-5657
Operations Chief: 257-2841
Training Clerk: 257-7020
S-4 Logistics
Logistics Chief: 257-5714
BEQ Manager: 257-1606
Clerk: 257-1218
Headquarters Company
Commanding Officer: 257-9710
First Sergeant: 257-2647
Company GySgt: 257-4214
Clerk: 257-5734
Service Company
Commanding Officer: 257-9963
First Sergeant: 257-2294
Company GySgt: 257-5738
Clerk: 257-5738
Special Staff
Unit Voting Assistance Officer: 257-3007 or 257-3294
Career Planner: 257-1252
SACO: 257-0468
Uniformed Readiness Coordinator: 617-922-2577
Marine & Family Life Counselor: 257-1688
Station Duty Officer: 216-5119
Command Element
Commanding Officer: 257-2086
Executive Officer: 257-3584
Sergeant Major: 257-3688
Career Planner: 257-2807
Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting
Aircraft Emergency: 257-7118
Dispatcher: 257-3212/2786
Crash Fire Rescue Officer: 257-2003
Airstation Aviation Safety
Safety Office: 257-1626
Airfield Operations
Airfield Ops Chief: 257-8425
Base Ops/Flight Planning: 257-2121/2122
Air Traffic Control ATC
Air Traffic Control: 257-0296
Maint Chief: 257-8428/8562
Meteorology and Oceanography (METOC)
METOC Office: 257-2839
METOC OIC: 257-0404
S1 Administration
Administration Chief: 257-1707
Facsimile: 257-0845
Unit Voting Assistance Officer: 257-8429 / 1707
S3T Training
S3T NCO: 257-1355/2068
S-4 Logistics
S-4 Clerk/NCO: 257-2882
Supply Clerk: 257-2900
SACO: 257-2839
Recovery Branch
Crew Leader: 257-1052
Visiting Aircraft Line (Air Terminal)
Attendant: 257-1604
C-20 Crew
ASST OPSO 257-2694
SNCOIC 257-0821