
S-4/ECPD/ Costal & Marine Management - Off-Roading

Recreational off-roading on Oahu’s beaches, public and government lands is illegal

Photo of vehical on beach sandMCBH Base Order P1710.1 (Section 1001.h)
Recreational off-road 4x4 vehicles, off-road motorcycles, and all-terrain vehicle activity is prohibited aboard MCBH and its jurisdictional areas to include shoreline, coastal, training areas, and creational properties.
Vehicles shall not be driven off paved roads or authorized unimproved roads (e.g, sand dunes west of Pyramid Rock)

MCBH Base Order 5560 (Section 2004.1.j)
Off-roading on beaches, public and government lands is a criminal misdemeanor charge. Trespassers and illegal off-roaders unintentionally destroy the cultural and natural resources of these recreational areas.

Department of Land & Natural Resources (DLNR) allows 4-wheel drive vehicles and bicycles in designated areas (some with issued permit).  Check the DLNR website for additional information on the permitting process and trail closures.

Marine Corps Base Hawaii