The Reserve Liason provides guidance about Reserve Affairs to the Commanding Officer, his staff, and to Marines aboard Marine Corps Base Hawaii by promoting awareness of Reserve policies, guidelines and procedures for the integration of reserve Marines into the Total Force.
The Reserve Liaison will assist Marines that are transferring from the Active Duty component to the Reserve Component by providing them with information about Reserve obligations and opportunities.
Active Reserve (AR)
Individual Ready Reserve (IRR)
Selected Marine Corps Reserve (SMCR)
Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA)
Mobilization Opportunities
Reserve Counterpart Training (RCT)
Active Duty Operational Support (ADOS)
Comm: (808) 257-2129
Fax: (808) 257-3290
Additional Information about the Marine Corps Reserves can be found at the following sites:
Marine Forces Reserve
U.S. Marine Corps Forces Reserve - Home (
Locate a Prior Service Recruiter
Reserve Billets (
Individual Ready Reserve (
Active Reserve Program
Marine Corps Reserve | Marines
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