I will be PCS’ing. What do I need to do to vacate my home?
You must update your COLA status with IPAC if/when your dependent(s) leave the island. If you fail to update IPAC you may be responsible to reimburse any COLA overpayments.
Submit your Notice to Vacate with your RSO. You must provide at least a 28 day notice otherwise you may incur fees. If you are PCS’ing off island, you will need your DD Form 1299 from the Distribution Management Office (DMO) with your HHG pack out date. The RSO will also arrange for temporary loaner furniture to be delivered. A Pre-Inspection will be scheduled to assess what you need to do to prepare vacate. A Final Inspection will also be scheduled to determine any final charges. If you fail to make your payment/pay your bill, you may not be checked out of your home.
RSO is responsible for completing and signing your Check-Out Sheet and to ensure any charges are paid or a payment plan has been arranged.