Promote Marine Corps combat readiness, institutional integrity, effectiveness, discipline, and credibility through impartial and independent inspections, assessments, inquiries, investigations, teaching, and training. This ensures maintenance of the highest levels of war fighting and mission capabilities to the units and service members assigned to Marine Corps Base Hawaii.
Investigate Local Hotline complaints and DoD/IGMC Hotline complaints as assigned. Provide appropriate responses to complainants. Response to Congressional Interest Correspondence and prepare responses to the Office of Legislative Affairs.
Ensure all personnel aboard the Installation comply with established rules and regulations.
Please contact the MCB Hawaii Command Inspector General prior to contacting the Inspector General of the Marine Corps. For more IG related information please visit the following website.
All written correspondence should be mailed to:
Commanding Officer
Attn: Command Inspector General
Box 63002
MCB Hawaii Kaneohe Bay HI 96863-3002
All information we receive is protected under the Privacy Act.
Command Inspector General
Ms. Darnell L. Silva
(808) 496-7717
Deputy Inspector
LtCol William M. Haynes
(808) 496-7716
Inspector Chief
GySgt Raul Elikahi
(808) 496-7714
To file a complaint please go to: HTTPS://HOTLINE.USMC.MIL
Complaint Hotline
(808) 257-8852
Command Inspector General Email: MCBH.CIG.SMB@usmc.mil