
S-4/ECPD/Natural Resources Management

Pyramid Rock Beach - the shoreline vegetation is home to the endangered Hawaiian Yellow-faced bee and rare coastal plants. Patrons aboard MCBH should avoid walking through, sitting, and playing on sand dunes or beach vegetation. The vegetated shoreline of Pyramid Rock is a natural resource vital for the survival of the beach itself that is slowly eroding away.
The Hawaiian monk seal is listed as an “endangered” species under the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) and designated a “depleted” species under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA). Per Base Order, please remain 100 feet away from Hawaiian monk seals and report all sighting to the NOAA monk seal hotline. Base Order requires that dogs remain leashed and under the owners physical control at all times.
The Nu’upia Ponds Running Trail extends through the Nu’upia Ponds Wildlife Management Area. Along the way you will see endangered waterbirds and threatened marinelife. Stay on the trail. Pets are prohibited on the running trail. Please do not feed the wildlife, as it disrupts their natural processes.
Hawaiian green sea turtles often rest on beaches of MCBH Kaneohe Bay. Rest is vital to their survival. Stay 100 feet away. Sea turtles are listed as threatened and are protected by federal laws. MCBH Environmental Compliance and Protection Division monitor sea turtles and their nesting activity with assistance from state and federal authorities and their volunteers.
Fishing on Base? Please make sure to familiarize yourself with the State and MCBH fishing regulations, gear restrictions, and catch limits. Be aware, only barbless hooks are allowed when fishing on MCBH. Contact Base Environmental for information on where and how to crimp your barbs, and to receive a free copy of the Base Fishing Regulations.
Ulupa’u Crater WMA is home to one of two breeding colonies of Red-footed Boobies (Sula sula rubripes) in the main Hawaiian islands – the other is located on Kauai’s Kilauea Wildlife Refuge managed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Refuge division. The WMA supports approximately 2500 – 3000 Boobies.
Tired of the same old exercise routine? Bored with running and lifting weights? Come out and join Base Environmental to tame the jungle and clean-up our beaches. The natural resources office offers a number of volunteer opportunities including bi-monthly Weed Warrior, beach clean-ups, and biological monitoring. Contact 257-7000 or 257-7131 for additional information on upcoming volunteer programs.

The Natural Resources program within the Conservation Division of the Environmental Department manages natural resources to support the military mission, while preserving, protecting and enhancing these resources. Natural resources include land, soils, beaches, dunes, native/non-native plants, landscaping, fish, birds, and other wildlife, both terrestrial and aquatic, inland in protected wetlands, streams, and offshore around coral reef systems within our jurisdiction at MCBH-Kaneohe Bay, Camp Smith, Pu’uloa, Marine Corps Training Area Bellows (MCTAB) and Waikane Valley.

The Base’s Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP) is the over-arching document that guides MCB Hawaii’s approach to natural resources management, while supporting quality of life, controlled public access to these resources and “no net loss” of military training options.


  • Natural Resources Manager 496-7000 or 496-7129
  • Wildlife Technician  285-6464
  • Conservation Law Enforcement 496-7135
  • Volunteer Information

Photo of building 1360.

We are located on Mokapu Rd. in building 1360, just across the runway near the Archery Range and just before you reach the Pyramid Rock Recreation Area.

Frequently Asked Questions

Photo of a Monk Seal and Sea Turtle.

Help! Federally Protected Shearwaters


Protecting Yourself and Your Home From Mosquitoes

Protecting Yourself and Your Home From Mosquitoes

Marine Corps Base Hawaii