We want to know what you hear
To improve our understanding of how training affects the community, we have implemented a sound reporting system. The information you provide will enable us to monitor what sounds are being heard, where they are being heard, and the scale of impact on the community.
Through this reporting system, we will be able to match specific training areas, types of training, and weather occurrences to better understand how they factor in to what the community hears. While MCBH’s training mission must continue, if there is an opportunity to make adjustments to reduce the sounds, we’ll try to take advantage of it.
You can report noise concerns to the Marine Corps by calling: 808.496.8832
Or by sending an email to:
Or by completing the form here: Sound Reporting Form
To help facilitate a fast and appropriate response to your concern, please be sure to include your name, preferred contact method (email or phone) and details of the incident. Include the date, time, location and type of aircraft, if possible. All noise concern documents are filed with the Marine Corps Base Hawaii Community Relations Office.
To report unsafe flight incidents, call the Federal Aviation Administration Honolulu Flight Standards District Office at: 808.837.8300
To reach a 24-hour operator at the statewide Airport Hotline, call: 888.697.7813