
S-4/FAMILY HOUSING - OMC/Hunt - Change in Entitlement / Relocation

When do I rate a bigger home or a different neighborhood?

-    Change in rank:  If you have an official change in rank or paperwork stating you are selected/frocked to a higher rank for the next higher grade category (i.e., Junior Enlisted to Senior Non Commissioned Officer) you can make an appointment with FHO.  In this case, your application will be a Priority 3 and appointments are scheduled on Friday’s.  Please provide proof of promotion and updated BIR/Command Sponsorship Letter to your appointment.   

-    Change in family size:  If there is an increase in your family size and your bedroom requirement changes, please update your family status with IPAC before scheduling an appointment with FHO.  To re-apply, your application will be a Priority 3 and appointments are scheduled on Friday’s.  You must provide Birth Certificate or Court documents for a new dependent, updated BIR, and Dependency Verification Letter to your appointment.

What if I just want to move?

The first step in requesting to relocate to another home is to contact your RSO so they can work with you to resolve any issues you may have with your current home and/or to assist with the relocation process, if approved (you do not have outstanding/delinquent charges or have a problem with the condition of your home and/or inspections).  You will also be responsible for all costs associated with the move. 

Marine Corps Base Hawaii