


Provides professional administrative support and guidance to the Commanding Officer; the Commanding Officer's Staff Agencies; and Marines, sailors, and civilians aboard Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay.

Note: Base orders, policies and letters of instruction are available to base users through the Base Intranet.

The following services are provided by the Base Adjutant.
Correspondence Guidance - SECNAV M-5216.5
Marine Corps Directives Management Program - MCO 5215.1K
Marine Corps Records Management Program - MCO 5210.11F
DON SSIC Manual - SECNAV M-5210.2


Commercial (808) 496-XXXX; DSN 457
Base Adjutant - 8866
Adjutant Admin Chief - 7712/8812/8855
Base Adjutant Office Staff - 7712/8812/8855

Commercial (808) 496-3290; DSN 457


Commanding Officer
Attn: Base Adjutant
Manpower, Personnel and Administration Directorate
Box 63002
MCBH Kaneohe Bay, HI 96863-3002



Freedom of Information Act / Privacy Act Requests

On September 30, 2023, our web-based FOIA/PA portal ( was decommissioned and can no longer be used.  Its replacement, SecureRelease, is operational and available to the public as of Friday, December 15, 2023.

If you would like to submit a FOIA/PA request, please do so online via the new portal at  This is the fastest and most reliable way to send us your request, and it ensures that all requests are properly and accurately tracked from the date/time of submission.  

To help the Marine Corps respond to your request as quickly as possible, please submit it to the correct agency after reviewing the information below.

To make a request for Marine Corps Base Hawaii:
(1)    Create a SecureRelease account.
(2)    When submitting a request be sure to provide 
        * Your full name.
        * Contact information (address, email, and/or phone number).
(3)    Under Agency select United States Marine Corps
(4)    Under Component select MCI – Pacific (incl. Japan and Hawaii)
(5)    Detailed Description of your request. Please state the specific record(s) you are seeking with enough detail so that a knowledgeable agency official may locate the record(s) with a reasonable amount of effort. Such detail of the request should include descriptive information, timeframe to be searched, name of agency holding the record, and any other pertinent information that may assist in identifying the subject of the request.
(6)    The amount you are willing to pay.
(7)    If applicable, your request for a fee waiver or expedited processing with a full explanation of the basis.

For MCB Camp Lejeune housing records – Please submit your request directly to MCI-East under Marine Corps Installations Command.
For your own Official Military Personnel File – 
        Retired/Discharged/Separated before 1999:
        Retired/Discharged/Separated after 1999:

For the OMPF of Marine Corps Veterans who were retired, discharged, or deceased before 1999 
        National Archives and Records Administration: 

For your own medical record (the Marine Corps does not maintain medical records) -
        Retired/Discharged/Separated before May 1, 1994:
        Retired/Discharged/Separated between May 1, 1994, and December 31, 2013:
        Retired/Discharged/Separated on or after January 1, 2014:                     
For awards verification and replacement requests 

For USMC firearms histories:  Please submit your request directly to the Marine Corps Logistics Command.

For background checks:

For Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) records:  Please submit your request to the United States Navy via the SecureRelease portal.  

MCBH FOIA Coordinator

Phone number:  808-496-8812
Fax: 808-496-3290


(For records held by 3D MLR, 1/12, 3d Radio, or MAG-24, please contact the coordinator below)

FOIA Coordinator—DSN 622-9429/7604

USMC FOIA Program Office (ARSF)

Telephone: (703) 614-4008
Fax: (703) 614-6287
Mailing Address:
Commandant of the Marine Corps
Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps (ARSF)
3000 Marine Corps Pentagon, Room 2B289
Washington, DC 20350-3000

Marine Corps Base Hawaii