There is a 3-Step Resolution Process that you can use to submit a comment or concern. You can refer to the linked flyer, How Can We Help?
1. The first step is to call Maintenance/RSO to notify them of a problem/issue so they can repair or resolve the issue. In case you have to call Maintenance again, notify your RSO to make them aware of the recurring problem. An abundance of water leak/waste is considered an emergency. Please be aware that there are issues that come with living in a tropical climate such as bugs. If you have frequent live activity, call your RSO immediately for an inspection. If you see bugs that are dead or in the process of dying that means the bug spray is working. Terminex can only spray so often due to the chemicals that are used. They will come out and spray if necessary, please be aware they cannot come out every week and spray if one or two live bugs are seen. Unfortunately, no home is going to be bug free 100% of the time. You can also help by buying a barrier style bug spray from your local commissary as an extra layer of defense.
2. If your work order is incomplete or is not completed to your satisfaction, please contact to your RSO Manager. If several attempts to contact them are unsuccessful, you can reach out to Mr. Leslie Smith, Ohana/Hunt Community Director.
3. If your issue is still unresolved, please contact to your command and then the Family Housing Office. Please provide us with the contact info of your command so we can work together to resolve the issue with Ohana/Hunt.