
S-4/ECPD/Cultural Resources Management


Republic P-47 Thunderbolts lined up for inspection at Bellows Field (now Marine Corps Training Area Bellows) during World War II. The P-47 was the largest fighter aircraft powered by a single-piston engine. It was heavily armed with eight .50-caliber machine guns and up to 2,500 lbs of Bombs.
Hangar 101 under attack on 7 December 1941 by Japanese of the Imperial Navy. Hangar 101, the five seaplane ramps, and the parking apron are now part of the National Historic Landmark (NHL). NHLs are the nation’s most significant historic places that possess exceptional value in illustrating or interpreting the heritage of the United States.
Ulupa’u Crater WMA is home to one of two breeding colonies of Red-footed Boobies (Sula sula rubripes) in the main Hawaiian islands – the other is located on Kauai’s Kilauea Wildlife Refuge managed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Refuge division. The WMA supports approximately 2500 – 3000 Boobies.
Archaeologists in the field carefully record the rock features that are the former house sites and agricultural fields of Hawaiians that once lived on Mokapu Peninsula.
Waterfront Operations Facility Response Team conduct annual training exercises deploying spill containment boom in Kaneohe Bay. Personnel train to effectively respond and contain potential oil spills aboard MCBH. It prevents oil pollution and protects our surrounding waters. Other federal, state, and local agency responders participate in exercises alongside MCBH in the National Preparedness for Response Exercise Program (PREP).
Stencils near storm water drains at MCBH remind residents and staff not to dump anything in the drains because the system leads directly to the ocean. Rubbish such as plastic bags pollute the ocean and can harm marine life.
Protection berms or barriers placed at storm drain openings protect our ocean from litter and construction debris. Effective barriers allow rain water to pass through while keeping solids from entering the drain.
Various metals and other recyclables are separated and staged for shipping at the MCBH Recycling Center. Recycling helps us reduce pollution, save money and energy, protect wildlife and natural resources, and stimulates our national economy by creating jobs.
MCBH Recycling Center trailers make recycling easy and convenient. The trailers are staged at strategic locations around the base such as the Marina.
Reusing plastic bottles, wood, and other recyclables are a great way of preventing pollution. Get creative like making a Ring Toss game for family fun!
Endangered Hawaiian Monk Seals often haul-out to sleep and rest on the quiet beaches of MCBH Kaneohe Bay. Rest is vital to their survival and MCBH is committed to protecting these rare marine mammals. Stay 100 feet away. Keep pets on leash and under your control. Report sightings to the NOAA Fisheries’ Monk Seal Hotline (808) 220-7802 or the nearest lifeguard.
A Hawaiian green sea turtle swims in the ocean off MCBH Kaneohe Bay. Sea turtles are listed as threatened and are protected by federal laws. Natural Resources staff of MCBH Environmental Compliance and Protection Division monitor sea turtles and their nesting activity with assistance from state and federal authorities and their volunteers.
Hawaiian green sea turtles often rest on beaches of MCBH Kaneohe Bay. Rest is vital to their survival. Stay 100 feet away. Sea turtles are listed as threatened and are protected by federal laws. MCBH Environmental Compliance and Protection Division monitor sea turtles and their nesting activity with assistance from state and federal authorities and their volunteers.
Fort Hase archaeological site is located on the eastern edge of Mokapu Peninsula. Evidence of an ancient fishing camp is buried below the grassy surface. It is likely the abundant resources on the peninsula drew the inhabitants to the site. Radiocarbon dating of an old fire pit indicates the site was inhabited about 600 years ago.
Digging or taking sand from any area on MCBH is NOT permitted without prior approval from Base Environmental. MCBH is entrusted with the protection of ancient, culturally sensitive archaeological sites on our properties which includes sand dunes. We all have the responsibility in preventing the disturbance of these protected cultural sites and protecting our natural resources. Bagged sand must be purchased commercially at building or home improvement suppliers.
Beach Clean-up Bag stations near MCBH beach entries help keep our beaches beautiful. Bag stations managed by the Base Qualified Recycling Program encourage beachgoers to pick up debris, take it away and dispose of in a rubbish bin. This helps prevent pollution and keeps the ocean and our beaches clean.
Federally protected waterbirds like the endangered Hawaiian stilt and Hawaiian Duck forage in the settling pond at the MCBH Water Reclamation Facility (WRF). The WRF functions as the wastewater treatment plant for MCBH and is located near Kaneohe Bay and the Nuʻupia Ponds Wildlife Management Area (WMA). MCBH WMA’s are sanctuaries for many species of state and federally protected native birds and plants.
Remote-controlled water cannons assist the MCBH Ulupaʻu Range Training Facility in protecting seabirds resting in the trees on the hillside surrounding Battery Pennsylvania. The water cannons reduce the risk of a hazardous brush fire at the range. More than 10,000 Marines, Sailors, Soldiers, Federal Law Enforcement Officers, and Reservists utilize the range for training annually.

The Cultural Resources Management program, within the MCB Hawaii Environmental Department includes management of cultural resources to support the military mission, while preserving, protecting and enhancing these resources. Cultural resources include historic properties such as archaeological sites and historic buildings within our jurisdiction at MCB Hawaii Kaneohe Bay, Camp Smith, Pu‘uloa, Marine Corps Training Area Bellows (MCTAB), Camp Smith, Pearl City Annex, Manana Neighborhood Housing, and Waikane Valley.
Cultural resources are managed by the U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) as assets that can support agency missions while contributing to the cultural vitality and economic well-being of local communities.   MCB Hawaii takes their stewardship of Cultural Resources and Historic Properties very seriously.  These resources are non-renewable and if destroyed are gone forever.

Cultural Resources Manager
(808) 496-7126

Cultural Resources Ethnology

Marine Corps Base Hawaii