office hours
Mon-Fri 0730-1530
Saturday CLOSED
Sunday 0800-1230, 1530-1800
easter Serivce Schedules
24 Mar. Palm Sunday 0930 & 1700
28 Mar. Holy Thursday 1800
29 Mar. Good Friday 1500
30 Mar. Easter Vigil 1900
31 Mar. Easter Mass 0930 &1700
31 Mar. Easter Sunrise Service 0615-0700
2702 Cushman Avenue
Kailua, HI 93634
(For critical emergencies please call the MCB Hawaii Command Duty Officer (CDO) at (808)-257-7700
Duty Chaplain at (808)-927-6583
Facebook Page
What does the Base Chapel Offer?
The MCBH chapel brings together military personnel and their families to support the community’s spiritual needs. MCBH chapel is a joint religious effort providing pastoral care.
Chapel facilities and spaces are available for use by authorized personnel and organizations contingent upon availability and operational commitments. Please fill out the Chapel Facility Reservation Request Form and bring it to the Chapel Front Office for approval. For information regarding Chapel Facility Reservations call 808-496-5138.
Chapel Facility Reservation Form