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Tag: arctic

U.S. Marines with Marine Rotational Force Europe 21.1, Marine Forces Europe and Africa, conduct a combat patrol during a company live-fire attack as part of Exercise Arctic Littoral Strike in Blåtind, Norway, March 30, 2021. Exercise Arctic Littoral Strike improved MRF-E’s ability to confront the challenges of anti-access, area denial capabilities posed by a notional peer adversary in a contested littoral environment. MRF-E demonstrated the ability to support joint fleet operations by providing over watch to a Norwegian submarine and destroying a notional adversary integrated air defense system. MRF-E focuses on regional engagements throughout Europe by conducting various exercises, arctic cold-weather and mountain warfare training, and military-to-military engagements, which enhance overall interoperability of the U.S. Marine Corps with allies and partners. - U.S. Marines with Marine Rotational Force Europe 21.1, Marine Forces Europe and Africa, conduct a combat patrol during a company live-fire attack as part of Exercise Arctic Littoral Strike in Blåtind, Norway, March 30, 2021. Exercise Arctic Littoral Strike improved MRF-E’s ability to confront the challenges of anti-access, area denial capabilities posed by a notional peer adversary in a contested littoral environment. MRF-E demonstrated the ability to support joint fleet operations by providing over watch to a Norwegian submarine and destroying a notional adversary integrated air defense system. MRF-E focuses on regional engagements throughout Europe by conducting various exercises, arctic cold-weather and mountain warfare training, and military-to-military engagements, which enhance overall interoperability of the U.S. Marine Corps with allies and partners.

Marine Corps Base Hawaii